GitHub Clone Repository (git clone)

      This file only relates to  GitHub.
      Click here to view the  GitLab Version

The following steps teaches you how to clone a GitHub Repository onto your local machine

  1. Go to the GitHub Repository and click on Clone or download
  2. Copy the URL by clicking on the button on the right of the URL
    Clone Repo #1
  3. Go to SourceTree and press the + button at the tab list, then press Clone
    Clone Repo #2
  4. Paste the URL onto the Source Path/URL field and wait for it to finish loading. Then press Clone
    Optionally, define the directory where you want your project files to be located at (yellow arrow)
    Clone Repo #3
  5. Wait for it to finish loading and you are done!
Demo Video
The following is a video on how this is being done. Read the how-to guide before watching the video for actual steps to do it

Console Commands Used

git clone "URL to git repository" # Clones the repository