Add Commits (git commit)

      This file relates to both  GitHub and  GitLab.

The following guide shows you how to "save" your work by committing it into your local repository

  1. Select the files you wish to commit and click Stage Selected
    (Alternatively you can select Stage All to select all files)
    Commit #1
  2. The files you have selected should show up in the Staged Files section
  3. Enter a meaningful commit message to describe what you are committing
  4. Optional: Check the "Push" checkbox if you wish to push the commits to the origin immediately after you commit
  5. When you are done, click the commit button to commit the code
    Commit #2
Demo Video
The following is a video on how this is being done. Read the how-to guide before watching the video for actual steps to do it

Console Commands Used

      git add [-A] "file name" # Add files to commit (-A if you wish to add all files)
      git status # View Tracked Files
      git commit -m "'Commit Message'" # Commits the file with a commit message