Introduction to GitLab

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      Click here to view the  GitHub Version

This page will give you a brief guide on the User Interface. It is color coded to tell you what it's referring to

Quick Jump References

Main Interface and Code Screen

Main Interface
  1. Repository Statistics: Licenses, Total Commits, Branches, Tags, Disk Space Used and Contributors. Hovering on the thin colored line below will provide a list of languages detected in the repository
  2. A dropbown box to swtich branches and a quick shortcut to create a new file/folder/branch/tag/upload file
  3. Some useful buttons (from left to right):
  4. Latest commit made to the repository's branch
  5. The file list in the currently selected branch as well as the last commit made that modified the file and the time since it is last modified
  6. Some useful tools (from left to right):

Code View
  1. Dropdown box to switch branches
  2. Latest commit made that modified this file
  3. Some useful buttons (left to right):
  4. Various buttons to interact with the file (left to right):
  5. Content of file

Edit File
  1. Preview changes made to the file
  2. Content of the file where you can edit
  3. Commit Message
  4. Branch to commit your changes to
  5. Button to commit or cancel edit

Issue Screen

Issue List
  1. Button to create a new issue or do bulk modification of existing issues
  2. Switch between open, closed and all issues
  3. Search or filter issues by the various properties
  4. List of all issues

Issue Page
  1. Button to close or create a new issue
  2. Issue title, description, other related issues and ability to edit the issue (pencil icon)
  3. Issue Properties that are relevant (top to bottom):
  4. Comments and changes made to this issue
  5. Box where you can enter comments to the issue as well as close it (if you are the issue creator)
New Issue
  1. Issue title
  2. Description of the issue
  3. Issue Properties (From top to bottom, left to right):
  4. Button to submit and create this issue or cancel the creation of the issue

Merge Requests (MR) Screen

Merge Request List
  1. Button to create a new MR or do bulk modification of MRs
  2. Switch between open, merged, close or all MRs
  3. Search or filter MRs by the various properties
  4. List of all MRs

Merge Request Page
  1. Button to edit or close the MR
  2. MR Title, Description and branch it is being merged from and to
  3. MR Properties (top to bottom):
  4. CI Status, Approval Status and Mergability Status
  5. Tabs to switch pages (left to right):
  6. Comment and changes made to the issue as well as the box where you can enter comments to the MR as well as close it (if you are the MR creator)
New Merge Request
  1. Merge Request Title
  2. Merge Request Description
  3. MR Properties (from top to bottom):
  4. The branch you are committing to and from as well as if the commits should be squashed or deleted after merging
  5. The button to create the MR or cancel the creation of it

Issue Boards Screen (It's like Trello/JIRA)

Issue Board
  1. Add issues to the board/column
  2. Issue Column to hold the cards
  3. An issue card
  4. Column statistics like the number of issues and total weights in the column

CI/CD Pipelines

Pipeline List
  1. Buttons to manually run the pipeline, clear caches or error check gitlab-ci.yml file
  2. Tabs between the various status of the CI:
  3. List of pipelines

Pipeline/Job List
  1. Pipeline Information (Commit Title, number and duration of jobs, tags and current commit number)
  2. Tabs to switch between screens:
  3. List of all jobs in the pipeline

Job Information
  1. Information regarding the current job
  2. General pipeline and job information:

Web IDE (A exclusive!)

Web IDE Edit View
  1. List of currently opened documents
  2. Working area for working with files
  3. Current Branch/MR that is being accessed
  4. List of all files in the repository
  5. Button to commit changes made as well as statistics of files

Web IDE Review View
  1. Button to stage or discard changes to this file
  2. A diff of the file being changed (Left - Old, Right - New)
  3. Quick shortcut buttons to stage or discard all changes
  4. Unstaged changes - These changes are not committed to the repository
  5. Staged changes - These changes will be committed to the repository
  6. Button to commit changes as well as statistics of files modified/staged/unstaged

Web IDE Commit View
  1. A diff of the file being changed (Left - Old, Right - New)
  2. Commit message for what you are committing to
  3. Branch to commit to as well as the button to commit the changes you made