Import Project into IntelliJ IDEA

The following guide shows you how to import the cloned repository into JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA IDE
Note that this guide only applies to Gradle projects. Other projects may have different steps

  1. Launch IntelliJ IDEA IDE and wait for it to load
  2. Click the Import button If you do not see the screen in the picture below, ensure that you have closed all project windows with File > Close Project
    Import Project into IntelliJ #1
  3. Navigate to the project directory and select the build.gradle file before clicking OK
    Import Project into IntelliJ #2
  4. Ensure that Use default gradle wrapper is selected and click OK
    Import Project into IntelliJ #3
  5. Wait for IntelliJ to finish building the project
  6. The source files are located at src > main > java
    Import Project into IntelliJ #4
  7. To run the project, right click the main source file and select Run
    Import Project into IntelliJ #5
Demo Video
The following is a video on how this is being done. Read the how-to guide before watching the video for actual steps to do it