GitLab Web IDE

      This file only relates to  GitLab.

There are some occasions where you urgently needs to modify multiple documents, however you are not anywhere near a proper IDE. Don't worry as GitLab has you covered by implementing a web-based IDE directly into their website. This guide will show you the general flow of using the Web IDE feature

  1. Click on the "Web IDE" button
    Use GitLab Web IDE #1
  2. Select the files you need to modify and edit them from the browser directly
  3. When you are done, click on the "Commit" button to enter the "Review" stage
    GitLab Web IDE Workspace
  4. In this stage, review all of your changes per file to ensure that they are correct and stage/discard them accordingly
    Alternatively, you can use the "Stage All" button to stage all unstaged files
  5. When you are done reviewing, click the "Commit" button again
    GitLab Web IDE Review Page
  6. Enter the commit message for these changes you have done
  7. Afterwards select the "Create a new branch" option and enter your branch name for this change, checking the "Start a new merge request" button so that GitLab will automatically move you to the "Create MR page"
    NOTE: Do not use the "Commit to MASTER branch" option as it will be protected from modification and your commits WILL fail
  8. Click the Green "Commit" button for the final time and commit your changes into your branch with the Merge Request!
    For more information on creating a MR head over to Creating a feature and Merge Request for more information
    GitLab Web IDE Commit Page
Demo Video
The following is a video on how this is being done. Read the how-to guide before watching the video for actual steps to do it