app / / SVY21 / computeSVY21


open static fun computeSVY21(lat: Double, lon: Double): SVY21Coordinate!

Computes SVY21 Northing and Easting based on a Latitude and Longitude coordinate. This method returns an immutable SVY21Coordinate object that contains two fields, northing, accessible with .getNorthing(), and easting, accessible with .getEasting().


lat - Double: latitude in degrees.

lon - Double: longitude in degrees.

SVY21Coordinate!: the conversion result as an SVY21Coordinate.

open static fun computeSVY21(coord: LatLonCoordinate!): SVY21Coordinate!

Computes SVY21 Northing and Easting based on a Latitude and Longitude coordinate. This method returns an immutable SVY21Coordinate object that contains two fields, northing, accessible with .getNorthing(), and easting, accessible with .getEasting(). This method is a shorthand for the functionally identical public SVY21Coordinate computeSVY21(double lat, double lon).


coord - LatLonCoordinate!: a LatLonCoordinate object to convert.

SVY21Coordinate!: the conversion result an SVY21Coordinate.